1st Semester Reflection

Quality of Work
  Overall, the quality of my work is satisfactory. My actual images follow the assignment requirements and are of good quality. I paid attention to the assignment's objective and met the resolution and format requirements. All of my assignments were turned in on time. I could work on going beyond my first ideas and being more creative.

  This semester, I actively took photo for the class. I travelled a lot to photograph my desired location or subject, so I did not use the most convenient options. Some of my photography took a lot of planning, such as the blue project, because I had to get three people together and drive an hour to the location. I sometimes shot over the requirement, depending on the assignment. I didn't avoid difficult subjects and I did not give up on hard to get shots. I could definitely work on being more creative since some of my work is a little basic. I have a positive attitude viewing work done by classmates because many people in the class have produced amazing pieces. As for my own work, I have a positive view, but I am way more critical and more inclined to point out the flaws.

  Regarding participation: I was on time to class every day this semester, worked throughout the block, planned time to work independently at home, and stayed on task to maximize class time as best as possible.

  When it comes to improvement within photography, I have a long way to go. I have become better since the beginning of this semester, but I need to develop my own style as a photographer. To improve technically, I could learn to use Photoshop more efficiently. My images could be more compelling as well, as mentioned earlier when discussing effort. I need more confidence when it comes to my photography so I can start stepping out of my comfort zone and producing more out of the box images. 

  In the second semester, I'm going to work hard to address everything I said I could improve in the paragraph above.

Assignment Suggestion
  I think we should do more shooting assignments rather than Photoshop assignments. Some assignments I would enjoy include:
  • Saying Goodbye- a project for the seniors in the class to take a picture that describes their high school experience, what they're going to miss the most, etc.
  • An assignment that targets the photographer's idea of pure joy - what makes them the happiest? Have them capture it!
